The Crisis After The Disaster

Title: the crisis after the disaster
Sub title: air crash aftermath: a true story

MP495 - Faro - Air crash aftermath-a true storyBy: Cor ten Hove (survivor)
With the collaboration and support of:
Prof. Sandy McFarlane (University of Adelaide),
Prof. Berthold Gersons (AMC University of Amsterdam),
Menno van Duin (NIPV, Arnhem), Werner Overdijk (Crisisplan, Leiden) & Vina Wijkhuijs (NIPV, Arnhem)

ISBN: 90 5850 495 6 and ISBN: 90 5850 166 3
256 p.
Table of contents
Foreword by Prof. Sandy McFarlane

Book based on the Dutch original ‘FARO: de ramp na de ramp

December 21, 1992: Disaster strikes Faro, Portugal.
Flight MP495,  Martinair DC-10  PH-MBN (owned by the Royal Netherlands Air Force and leased back by Martinair) crashes at the airport, leaving 56 passengers and crew members dead and over 100 persons severely wounded.

Cor ten Hove, the author of this book, is a passenger on that plane. He survives, but his life will never be the same. In this book he describes the plane crash and the impact it has on his life ever since. He has had to deal with, and is still dealing with problems relating to health care, insurance, legal cases, financial concerns, employment, interactions with government bureaucracies, and much more.

The surveys included in this book, conducted among survivors and relatives of the victims of the Faro air disaster, show that this book is not the story of one man. It’s not even the story of only Faro air disaster survivors. Unfortunately it’s the story of many individuals who have found the path to recovery littered with unanticipated obstacles.

Modern society, its institutions and legal systems are poorly prepared to deal with complicated situations that persist in the long term. If a situation is too complex and lasts too long, the institutions in question increasingly seem to insist that the individual just needs to get over it and move on.

The imperative is to face what this story says about the limited ability of societal systems to meet their obligations to the individuals who constitute society.
The first step towards achieving this is to develop greater social awareness of the effects of disasters, so that inter-related effects are not treated as unrelated problems.


Translated from reviews of the original Dutch book

“…The contents of this book I would describe as ‘serious aviation literature’ on a grave and serious topic that is seldom given attention. The main part of the book reads as a a kind of diary in which the writer describes the consequences of the failed landing. …”

“The crisis after the disaster is a unique work in several ways. Never before have the medical, social an societal effects of a disaster been described in such detail by a survivor.”
(Reformatorisch Dagblad, December 20, 2002).

“This book is a discomforting but highly worthwhile read, with a hopeful ending. Cor ten Hove formulates 13 lessons for himself and others that have helped him reassemble the pieces of his life.”
(Newsletter of the Dutch Traffic Victims Association).


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Crash, oorzaken en na-fase zijn complex en ingrijpend